Come join us and be apart of something special! Malachi Independent 2022
Mark your calendars and register today! Auditions are right around the corner and we can’t wait to see you there! Register today!
Pre-audition Clinic 9/12 - 10am-5pm $20 clinic fee https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSfQx7S31JgmV1.../viewform
Casting Call Auditions 9/19 - 10am-5pm (World and A Team) $50 audition fee https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSe2FU79I3e.../viewform...
World Team Callbacks 9/26 - 10am-5pm
Regional A Auditions are TBD
The Mile High Flea Market Warehouse 7007 E 88th Ave Henderson, CO 80640 United States
Please bring your own equipment
If you have any questions, please email Jenn jenn.carrasco@hcperformingarts.org